WATER ENGINE:A Automobile Runs With Water
“Imagine a world in which cars are powered by Hydrogen it would be a totally different world from what we see today, yes, that’s a reality we need to create together”
Hydrogen has great potential as an environmentally clean energy fuel and as way to reduce reliance on imported energy sources. Before hydrogen can play a bigger energy role and become widely used alternative to gasoline, many new facilities and system must be built, we will need facilities to make Hydrogen, store it, and move it. We need economical fuel cells and consumers will need the technology and the education to safely use it.
Non-renewable energy source, which have accumulated in nature over a long, span of time and cannot be quickly replenished when exhausted.
Pollution is a problem of all over world. The main cause of pollution is burning fossil fuel so Hydrogen is an eco friendly fuel. In this water engine main part of fuel is Hydrogen due to Hydrogen does not produce pollution.
And at last Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s says that – “Technology, unlike science, is a group activity, it does not grow only through individual intelligence. But by the intelligences inter acting and ceaselessly influencing one another.”
- Ranjeet Kumar SinghABSTRACT
We all know that coal and petroleum are the most commonly used fuels. But these reserves are getting depleted at a very fast rate and it is a problem to meet the fuel problem both in industry and aviation.
Apart from these, both have also resulted in serious health hazards since these are the major pollutants.
Poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and sulphur are released in to atmosphere during combustion. Efforts are on to find an alternate fuel.
In water engine as an fuel hydrogen release large quantity of heat on combustion. It is evident that hydrogen in the gaseous state as well as in liquefied form releases more energy.
Pollution is not the problem of our country but it is a global problem. This has put up a great question inform of great environmentalists and scientists, as it is posing a great threat to our nature and is the root. Cause for most of the natural calamities.
All of us know that, natural resources are limited and if we use it reckless by as we are doing now, we cannot imagine about our future question and their several problems. To solve this problem to little extent, I have invented a new technology in which automobiles will run with water as their fuel.
Silencer emits a lot of harmful substances mainly gases like H2S and which when emitted by millions of automobiles causes pollution. Through this technique automobiles will run without petrol LPG/CNG
There are many advantages with this system as these are absolutely no harmful environmental emissions. The only gas, which is emitted, is water vapour, since solar energy is free and abundantly available in nature the system becomes cost effective and requires less maintenance. The efficiency of this system is relatively higher than other renewable source of energy. The fuel used, which is easily obtained from water, hence cost of fuel is very less. This system can be used in automobile engine up to 4 wheelers. Many advantages as follows:-
1. H2 is abundantly available in the combine form as water.
2. Use of hydrogen gas fuel provides pollution free because it combustion product is water.
3. Time required for regeneration of H2 is much shorter as is clear from the following diagram.
5. Hydrogen released large quantities of energy on combustion. The data on Energy released by combustion of fuels like H2, methane etc, are Compared in terms of the same amount in mole, mass, volumes are shown in table.
ENERGY RELEARED | H2(g) | H2(l) | LPG | CH4(g) | OCTANE (l) |
PER MOLE | 286 | 285 | 2220 | 880 | 5511 |
PER GRAM | 143 | 142 | 56 | 53 | 47 |
PER LITTER | 12 | 9968 | 25596 | 35 | 34005 |
From the data, it is evident that hydrogen in the gaseous state as well as in liquefied form release more energy on combustion as compared to the main fuels. Thus, it is better fuel.
Combustion temperature is low of Hydrogen gas so it is very useful gas in the comparison of this mass energy density and energy capacity is very high so it is best fuel for future.
One major advantage of combustion of hydrogen is that it produces very little pollution and there is no emission of either unburnt carbon particles in the form of smoke or of carbon monoxide as well as carbon dioxide. The only pollutants that can be associated are the oxides of nitrogen since nitrogen is present as impurity in Hydrogen.
1. Fire & Safety: - As we know, Water reacts with sodium with the release of energy catches fire but if we use amalgam reaction is completed normally using mercury is a problem as it causes pollution. That is why I have completed reaction in the closed container adding coolant gas between iron and steel wall. This coolant gas maintains the temperature of container and attached a vacuum pump due to vacuum pump is a device that removes gas molecules from a sealed volume in order to leave behind the partial vacuum in this causes hydrogen will not burn because any substance does not combustible in the presence of air so this reaction is normally done.
2. Electrolysis: - To prevent sparking in electrolysis process so used water electrolysis process and used platinum rod due to platinum does not dissolve into the electrolyte and does not reacts with the products of electrolysis. In electrolysis process battery equalizer used.
3. Storage and Transportation: - Its low density the storing of this much amount of hydrogen requires a tank which is thrice as big as a tank of store 25 Kg of petrol.
The air in a room with walls 4m long and 4m high would 82.5 Kg but if the same room were filled with hydrogen it would weigh only 5.76 Kg., which causes problem to its storage & transportation. A promising solution to this problem is the use of LaNi5 alloy, which act like a sponge to absorb hydrogen gas & results in the formation of fine silvery powder. Heating the powder safely release hydrogen gas.
Renewable energy can be particularly suitable for developing countries. In rural and remote areas, transmission and distribution of energy generated from fossil fuels can be difficult and expensive. Producing renewable energy locally can offer a viable alternative.
Renewable energy projects in many developing countries have demonstrated that renewable energy can directly contribute to poverty alleviation by providing the energy needed for creating businesses and employment. Renewable energy technologies can also make indirect contributions to alleviating poverty by providing energy for cooking, space heating, and lighting. Renewable energy can also contribute to education, by providing electricity to schools.
In addition to claims of cars that run exclusively on water, there have also been claims that burning hydrogen or oxyhydrogen in addition to petrol or diesel fuel increases mileage. Around 1970, Yull Brown developed technology which allegedly allows cars to burn fuel more efficiently while improving emissions. In Brown's design, a hydrogen oxygen mixture (so-called "Brown's Gas") is generated by the electrolysis of water, and then fed into the engine through the air intake system. Whether the system actually improves emissions or fuel efficiency is debated. [34] Similarly, Hydrogen Technology Applications claims to be able increase fuel efficiency by bubbling "Aquyen" into the fuel tank.
A common fallacy found in connection with this type of modification is the mistaken assumption that cars generate excess electricity via their alternators that normally goes to waste and therefore is available for electrolysis. The amount of force required to turn an alternator or generator is directly proportional to the electrical resistance of the circuits it is supplying. If an electrolysis unit is added to a car, the amperage it draws from the car's electrical system will make the alternator harder to turn, which will put additional drag on the engine. As a result more fuel will be required to maintain the same rotational speed (RPM.)
A number of websites exist promoting the use of oxyhydrogen (often called "HHO"), selling plans for do-it-yourself electrolysers or entire kits with the promise of large improvements in fuel efficiency. According to a spokesman for the American Automobile Association, "All of these devices look like they could probably work for you, but let me tell you they don't."
A hydrogen on demand vehicle uses some kind of chemical reaction to produce hydrogen from water. The hydrogen is then burned in an internal combustion engine or used in a fuel cell to generate electricity which powers the vehicle. While these may seem at first sight to be 'water-fuelled cars', they actually take their energy from the chemical that
reacts with water, and vehicles of this type are not precluded by the laws of nature. Aluminium, magnesium, and sodium borohydride are substances that react with water to generate hydrogen, and all have been used in hydrogen on demand prototypes. Eventually, the chemical runs out and has to be replenished. In all cases the energy required to produce such compounds exceeds the energy obtained from their reaction with water.
One example of a hydrogen on demand device, created by scientists from the University of Minnesota and the Weizmann Institute of Science, uses boron to generate hydrogen from water. An article in New Scientist in July 2006 described the power source under the headline "A fuel tank full of water," and they quote Abu-Hamed as saying:
“ The aim is to produce the hydrogen on-board at a rate matching the demand of the car engine. We want to use the boron to save transporting and storing the hydrogen. ”
Renewable energy sources are considered sustainable in the sense that they cannot "run out" as well as in the sense that their environmental and social impacts are generally more benign than those of fossil fuels. However, both biomass and geothermal energy require wise management if they are to be used in a sustainable manner. For all of the other renewables, almost any realistic rate of use would be unlikely to approach their rate of replenishment by nature.
Hydrogen has a very low volumetric energy density at ambient conditions, equal to about one-third that of methane. Even when the fuel is stored as liquid hydrogen in a cryogenic tank or in a compressed hydrogen storage tank, the volumetric energy density (mega joules per liter) is small relative to that of gasoline. Hydrogen has a three times higher energy density by mass compared to gasoline (143 MJ/kg versus 46.9 MJ/kg). Some research has been done into using special crystalline materials to store hydrogen at greater densities and at lower pressures. A recent study by Dutch researcher Robin Gremaud has shown that metal hydride hydrogen tanks are actually 40 to 60-percent lighter than an equivalent energy battery pack on an electric vehicle permitting greater range for H2 cars. The energy efficiency of water electrolysis varies widely. The efficiency is a measure of what fraction of electrical energy used is actually contained within the hydrogen. Some of the electrical energy is converted to heat, a useless byproduct. Some reports quote efficiencies between 50% and 70% this efficiency is based on the Lower Heating Value of Hydrogen. The Lower Heating Value of Hydrogen is total thermal energy released when hydrogen is combusted minus the latent heat of vaporization of the water. This does not represent the total amount of energy within the hydrogen; hence the efficiency is lower than a more strict definition. Other reports quote the theoretical maximum efficiency of electrolysis as being between 80% and 94%. The theoretical maximum considers the total amount of energy absorbed by both the hydrogen and oxygen. These values refer only to the efficiency of converting electrical energy into hydrogen's chemical energy. The energy lost in generating the electricity is not included. For instance, when considering a power plant that converts the heat of nuclear reactions into hydrogen via electrolysis, the total efficiency is more likely to be between 25% and 40%.
NREL found that a kilogram of hydrogen (roughly equivalent to a gallon of gasoline) could be produced by wind powered electrolysis for between $5.55 in the near term and $2.27 in the long term.
Let us compare the efficiency of H2 and petrol as fuels. It has been established that in terms of energy contents, it only takes 9.5kg of liquid hydrogen to produce as much of energy as in case of 25kg of petrol.
An automobile engine burning hydrogen gas is about 25% to 50% more efficient than automobile engine burning gasoline.

One important use of electrolysis of water is to produce hydrogen.
2H2O(l) → 2H2(g) + O2(g); E0 = -1.229 V
Hydrogen can be used as a fuel for powering internal combustion engines by combustion or electric motors via hydrogen fuel cells. This has been suggested as one approach to shift economies of the world from the current state of almost complete dependence upon hydrocarbons for energy
About four percent of hydrogen gas produced worldwide is created by electrolysis, and normally used onsite. Hydrogen is used for the creation of ammonia for fertilizer via the Haber process, and converting heavy petroleum sources to lighter fractions via hydrocracking.
Efficiency of engine = h = 1 – 1 (g = 0.4)
r(g -1)
‘r’ is compression Ration
Compression ratio of car is 9.2 ± 0.2:1
Main fuel of water engine is hydrogen. Our water engine is based on hydrogen gas. Hydrogen provides an ideal alternative as its combustion results in water only. Hydrogen production must come from splitting water using different method. Therefore hydrogen can be used as a renewable and non-polluting source of energy. This is the vision of the hydrogen economy.
Let us compare the efficiency of hydrogen & petrol as fuels. It has been established that in terms of energy contents, it only takes 9.5 Kg of liquid hydrogen to produce as much as energy as in case of 25Kg petrol.
Hydrogen is the lightest gas known, one liter of the gas at NTP weight only 0.0982g.
Hydrogen is most abundant element in the universe (70% of the total mass of the universe) and the third most abundant on the surface of the globe, is being visualized as the major future source of energy.
There are currently about 200 Hydrogen fueled vehicles in the
It is totally new innovation in which hydrogen is easily produced and stored in low cost. Hydrogen is produced by the reaction of sodium and water as a result hydrogen gas evolved catches fire in order to control or slow the reaction these metals are reacted as their amalgams with mercury. Using mercury is a problem as it causes pollution that is why these metals are reacted in a closed container with adding coolant so this reaction is normally done. In which two moles Sodium Hydroxide & Hydrogen gas was obtained. Then H2 gas is stored in a cylinder with LaNi5 alloy powder Sodium hydroxide is electrolyzed in the electrolysis container then sodium is obtained. This sodium is further used in main container. At last thermal efficiency of water engine is highest.
Which is also used in industries for the production of hydrogen, oxygen & pure water in least cost.
1.Website-design & development
2. Information/data collection-I have done a lot of work on
Collection of data
3. Surveys/field visits/organization/industry-I is consulted
A number of technology manufacturers and suppliers and did field
Visits to the following organization/association for implementation like-
a. Banaras Hindu university.
b. Bajaj automobile company.
c. Science & technology dept.
d. Indian institute of science.
e. National innovation foundation.
d. Hero Honda Company.
e. Uttar Pradesh technical university
f. CSIR.
h. Maruti Suzuki ltd.
This water engine has efficiency of 25% to 50% that to without causing pollution and can save fuels and through this water engine to save